Wednesday, March 25, 2009

James Cameron's Avatar: The biggest movie of all time.

Titanic, Dark Knight, Spiderman UH OH!!

Avatar is a Science Fiction film releasing december of 2009, about aliens. In addition, it's in 3D! well, haven't we waited to see aliens in 3D!!? The truth is, i believe that if Cameron succeeds, and in this particular case, he must deliver where no other film has, in creating a "believable" species of alien, this film will shatter everything that stands in it's way.

- Everyone has different views, there are some people who really don't think about life in space, and some that are completely fascinated by just the thought of it (like me). I'm always curious to what alien species would look like. Are they more advanced than us? If they were more advanced than us, why haven't they found us yet and sent us a message? Maybe they already have.

-Ever stare up at the stars, and get that scary realization that we are so puny? that there are billions upon billions of other planets just like ours, and then what are the possibilities that there is in fact life besides earth. I'd say 10000% wouldn't you?

-A crazy, somewhat complex thought crossed my mind the other week, and i think it is worth sharing. Maybe you have thought the same thing, maybe not, because i'm very weird. On Earth, we as humans, and every living species, have a perception of time that is constant. That being that everything lives, and dies. There is an age to everything, and changes occur throughout our experience of time. But in space, there is no time. There is just space, and it has been there throughout eternity. We, as humans find that thought to mash up our brain cells. At least i do. What if there are aliens species in space that have no perception of time? Where life is eternal and the actions of these beings bare no relevance on the constraint of time.

-Sadly enough, no one reading this will have any of these answers, as we have yet to land on Mars (the closest, most insignificant mass of rock in our entire solar system). When the Apollo 11 spacecraft landed on the moon in 1969, people were glued to there TV sets and radios. There is a worldwide interest in space advancements. And therefore obviously a worldwide interest in the possibility of the existence of aliens. That's why, when a massively popular director, such as james cameron creates a movie, in 3D, about aliens, what can possibly be bigger for the movie industry?

-I will always have a massive interest in all things regarding space and alien species. Hopefully in my lifetime we can experience the same type of worldwide excitement that was felt when humans landed on the moon in '69

Here's a cool sort of geeky space vid, interview if your interested.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

New Wave of technology/New wave of Zombie

A few nights ago i was watching late night with Jimmy Fallon. For those of you who haven't heard, it's a new late night show. On this particular show Jimmy happened to bring in some tech geek from This always interests me somewhat since im a little bit of a gadget freak myself, although as he was showing off this device, and how "easy" it is to do everything, like pulling your contacts from facebook, i became ashamed of what technology has done.

Is it just me, or are 90% of us just buried into our cell phones? Blackberry, iphones, they are all time consuming and a social annihilation. These phones are like a drug, an addiction, to always be on hand, with emails, text messages, facebook posts. And it seems as though, with every new release, and new generation of these phones, it becomes easier to get lost into the unfortunate zombie world. 

What concerns me though, is this: It is without a doubt that our reliance and our use of smartphones are steadily increasing, and with every increase of usage, I personally become a little bit more alarmed at the consequences. It may just be a silly concern, but what exactly are the long term effects of cell phones? Putting those radio waves next to your head for extended periods of time, can that be normal for your body? The Cell phone era really has only begun in the past 10 years, i am seriously concerned as to what, or if there are any long term consequences. For this reason, i try to limit my cell phone use. Unfortunately for me, i fit the description of zombie quite accurately. I have an iphone and i use it quite frequently, for all of the reasons i stated above. But with this added consciousness, it is important to be aware about the amount of use. 

I didnt write this post to scare people away from using their phones, i wrote it becuase i'm scared of using my phone, and whether or not that means anything, that's for you to decide.