OK...do I expect many people to read this? No, frankly i don't. This is my first ever blog in my life. This is the first time, on the Internet, that I'm opening up past the realms of the overly used Facebook. Blog's are supposed to allow a person to open up to the world (which is the Internet), and express his/her feelings so that they can feel a sense of global worth in some cases. But as i sat down on my living room couch this last Tuesday, i realized that, you know what? this sh*t can be helpful! OK, well sort of...I mean there was a little bit of me that said that it can be helpful for me to express myself, but another part of me that said... how cool would it be if i could create the coolest blog on the web, and become globally known as someone who shares useful insights and helpful tips to problems. Then again, how many people say that same thing?
So is the goal of this blog to express myself to the Internet? Or is it to become the guru of everything and anything? Honestly, I have no clue what i intend to do with this Blog.
It took me 1 hour to make up the name of this Blog. Crazy eh? The end result was a combination of the first half of my last name (Etinson) and the word zone. Real original. During the process though, i was thinking of all the inside jokes and nicknames i have with friends, that would make a cool blog name. I even thought of a couple grade 6 nicknames that people had for me. It had been a long time since i thought about old jokes and nicknames, and in a therapeutic sort of way, it made me remember the funny times i had as a child, when reading 300 pages for a class wasn't a concern, and riding a bike with your friends was cool (it isn't now). So even though i came up with the lamest name on earth, I did myself justice by expanding my realm of thought through more than the present, but my past as well.
Then again, WHAT IF...and i really mean WHAT IF, i help a couple people realize how therapeutic a blog can be? And i become well known throughout the internet as, let's say, the "Blog Guy". OK wow, now i just sound crazy...nevermind.
Either way, I'll tell you one thing, Even if you don't know what to write in your blog, Hell, i don't even know what to write. Write something! Start a blog! it's worth it. You may catch a break and discover a magical ability to capture the readers of the Internet, or you may, in the likely scenario, find that simply expressing yourself to whomever wishes to read is a form of therapy, not necessarily necessary (sorry for that), but still helpful to relax for an hour or two and focus on YOURSELF for once.
I didn't write this to become globally known, and i didn't write this to simply express myself, and trust me, i didn't write this to sound like the spokesperson for Wordpress.com. I wrote this blog to think to myself for a bit. Albeit, it would be damn cool if i became globally known! Where this blog leads to, i don't know, and what this blog is about, i don't really know yet either, but for someone like me, that uses Facebook and MSN Messenger to an abundance, it's a nice getaway.
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